I know they say moving house is stressful.
I'm aware of it.
And I've tried to deal with the daily problems in a sensible and realistic way, keeping communications open.
But, I'm doubly aware of the stress, no quadrupably, aware of it THIS week!
Without going into the boring legal stuff of describing the minute details of solictors phone calls, helpful solicitors secretaries, panicky estate agents, laid back vendors, confident purchasers, over officious mortgage lenders, cock-ups with Land Registry, late night searches for old deeds going back to the 1800s, boundary queries regarding red lines, and removal van logistical problems..............!
So, when I know I have to fill out a couple of forms this week for exhibitions in the near future, and they ask difficult questions like "address" and "phone number" - I'm not sure what to put! Hopefully, I won't be at my current address. But, if the sale is delayed, I might not be at my new address. I can hardly put "Care of whoever will put me up that night" can I !!!!!?!
As well as that I've had to decide which pictures will be in the exhibitions a month before I need to take them to be hung. And they want to know "size" of each one. Bearing in mind that I've had to clambour over packing boxes to find them in various places around the house, measure them, and fill out the details. It's a big enough job without the extra aggro of house upheaval! Aand I've also got to bear in mind that at the other end, they need to be found easily rather than labelled under a generic "art" tag! Perhaps I need to make a label that says "Don't put this in a far corner, keep it near to the door, as you're going to need it soon after you move in" label.
Life's not boring, at the moment.
(Understatement of the week!!!)
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