The phone rang.......
I answered it (as you do....)
"Hello, can I speak to Mrs G"
"She doesn't live here any more"
"Oh. (pause) Are you the new home owner?"
Cautiously I replied with a "Yes", waiting for the loaded next question....
"In that case, do you know that your windows need replacing?" she chirpily asked.
"Do they? Why is that then?" I asked her.
"Are they indeed?" I replied with a smile "How are you aware of that?"
She paused, obviously reading something in my amused tone.
"Have you replaced them recently?" she asked me suspiciously.
"No, I haven't" I replied crisply, with an inward smile.
"In that case they need replacing, because they're ten years old!"
"Mmm..... that's interesting that you think that ,as the house is actually only EIGHT years old..................................."
I came away from the phone with a smile. And then a thought. Maybe I ought to check with Mrs G who I bought the house from in December, who bought it from brand new, to see if the windows ARE infact ten years old. Perhaps they stood alone and freely on the building site for two years before the house was actually built..................
But, not to the point where you can't see what is what, if you know where to look.... and how to look at it........ its just tricking the eyes, and then teaching them how to look in a different way......
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