Monday, 7 March 2011

Fifteen minutes of fame

Well, I've spent the weekend fine tuning the talk I'm going to do at the library. And it's been interesting for me to consider, because it's making me think about what I am, and what I do. You'll be thinking I've got the start of Alzheimer's now I've said that! But, what I meant, is that when you've got 15 minutes to talk to a group of people, it makes you focus and try to be succinct in summing it all up. Because I've spent my whole life painting pictures, but have only started doing the erotic stuff for the last ten years really. So, I'm having to look at the whys and where-fors as much as anything else. Why did I become an erotic artist, how did I, when did I, who I am, what I am, where I am both mentally and physically speaking? If I can answer all of that, I've got the basis of a talk. But, someone is bound to ask me a question regarding something I've not thought of yet! And the danger at the moment is going past my allotted time! Although I suppose I can cut it down if need be, rather than finishing lamely after five minutes and looking at the audience and saying " I can't think of anything else!"

I also need to sort out what art work I'm taking with me to illustrate it, as well as the Guild of Erotic Artist books to sell, and sign if anyone wants signed copies.

I've already found an arty top to wear, one with pretty colours that will inspire me. Is that a woman thing, that the colour of your top decides what sort of mood you're in, and want to convey to others?

I know I am only a small part of this celebration of womanhood tomorrow, but I am proud to be part of it. And I shall look forward to meeting the diverse group of other women there who also have their few minutes to convey their messages too.

So, now I'm wondering who is going, and whether there will be anyone there I know. I feel its going to open new doors for me too, I'm just not sure where and how yet!

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