I went to meeting for one of the art groups I'm in, last night. It was good to see everyone again, the usual start of chit-chat and pleasantries, then on to the meeting, not very exciting stuff, but it needs to be discussed with the group. Items talked over, decisions made, the usual stuff of meetings. Then afterwards, the usual dash for the door for some and the leisurely lean back and the comment of "Do you want a drink?" as the rest head for the bar.
Then the proper chat starts - the "What have you been doing recentlys?" as we catch up with news and gossip. I was sitting next to a guy who is a big friend of Stuart - the chap I drew two life portraits of in December, and funnily enough I'd had lunch with Stuart and his wife earlier on that day, and Stuart had kindly sent a very useful and interesting book about local interest, to me via our mutual friend. So we had a chat about what a nice chap Stuart is, and about the experience of my drawing him, and how odd Stuart had found the thought of it , but felt very comfortable in my company very soon after my starting to draw him. Then we moved on to other topics. And usually it gets around to my erotic art - since no one else in this group does erotic art, and I suppose some of my stories are a little more colourful and interesting than the usual art stories! So I quickly got them laughing with a couple of saucy arty anecdotes, and then started chatting with the younger woman next to me.
I've known her for many years as an artist, but am only just starting to know her as a friend. Her fella came to join the social group later on, and he's someone I've known for a number of years too through another connection, so it was easy chat between us..... and as the evening wore on, we chatted and chatted, and were the only three left at the end, and we easily conversed on many varied subjects from vegetarianism (they are, I'm not), to erotic art, getting paid by clients, producing art, making people happy, celebrity and all the problems it brings, painting nature, working as an artist, relationships, finding yourself as an artist and I suppose mostly about life and love and art. And what totally wonderful subjects to discuss! I have felt for a long time that my art is "spiritual" (especially after having many long and deep conversations with my spiritual healer friend) - I don't mean religious, I mean spiritual - in the way that it is therapeutic to the buyer, brings them happiness and it feeds the soul. I suppose you could argue the fact that all art is like that - but I seem to be able to paint pictures that people can empathise with, probably because of the erotic/sensual subject matter. It was good to explain how much I've changed this last year as I've focused on my art more, and the pleasure I get from painting. She said she could see how much I had changed within myself as a person and becoming more creative as an artist. And I was touched that she had seen that. We talked about our personal circumstances, and the way we created art from within ourselves, the creative spirit and how hugely important it is within us and forms the whole basis of our lives. It was good to bond with my artist friend, and hear her views on life - because her personal circumstances have changed hugely within the last year, but I can see that she too, is more relaxed within herself, and with the way she communicates with her art with the people she works with.
Time to go, and not because we had finished conversing on this subject but because the bar was closing, so we walked together into the dark night, and said goodnight, but after a couple of steps she came back to me, hugged me and said "I'm SO proud of you, Jackie!" and I hugged her back and said I was proud of her too, and was so touched with her words.
I am sure that being the only Erotic Artist in the group does indeed make you a great source for a good tale or two! Hasn't this tempted any of the others to try muscling into your world? Or do you benefit by way of referrals when they are not keen on painting a man in stocking and suspenders for example? Hmm just where did that idea come form! lol
Whilst I am not an artist myself, I can well imagine how your work must take on a spiritual meaning for you, and also for any other artist for that matter that actually enjoys their work, and takes it seriously.
The nearest I can get to that feeling is being a keen(ish) photographer (i.e. someone that has all the gear, but isn't yet sure just what to do with it! lol), as when I go out with my camera and a purpose then I am always pleased with the results, yet when I just go out and think oh I suppose I should take the camera, then the resultant photographs are always a disappointment, no doubt because my heart just wasn’t in it and my camera was a burden, rather than a source of interest and enjoyment.
So I can only assume that your work as an artist must be similar, in that you need to put a little part of yourself (I do hope there is enough of you to go around?) in each of your pieces of work, thus ensuring it is what both you and the client are looking for. In which case, how can it not really be a spiritual relationship? In fact I am sure there is a little piece of you in your work simply due to the fact of how you talked About “Living Flame” and how you were sorry to see her go.
So there we go, that’s my thoughts on the matter.
When you are happy in your heart and spirit, it shows. Isn't it marvelous that others see it and appreciate it?
Fitzy - Yes, I think that's the case about being the only Erotic Artist there! The ones who are interested know they can rely on me for a good tale or too! (and I haven't actually mentioned the correspondence with the new guy in stockings and suspenders yet!. No, its not tempted any of them into my world - I think they are perfectly happy in their world of landscapes, flowers and domestic pets. They know well enough that they can pass on any subjects that they deem too erotic for them to deal with, to me, if they so choose.
Yes, my art certainly has a spiritual meaning to me, but may not in the same way, or even at all, to other artists. I heard a couple of years ago, of a artist who did house portraits, but hated it, and found it depressing to do. I cannot understand that state of mind in the slightest, since I LOVE painting, and it makes me happy to do it. And even happier to sell my art!!! LOL
I can understand what you're saying about your camera bringing you pleasure when you use it rather than being a burden - I think creativity should always be a pleasure and not a chore.
Yes, I put a little (actually,no, I put a lot!) of myself into my art - and yes, I expect for some time that there will be enough to go around! So, that is indeed a spiritual thing in itself, for me. I was certainly sorry to see "Living Flame" go, but she's gone to a good home, and I have the original working painting, to keep for myself.
Thankyou for your thoughts, they are supportive and helpful, and interesting!
Nitebyrd - Yes, it does, and yes it is marvellous when others see it and appreciate it too!!
I am sure that when I become a tale to tell after I manage to sort out my commission that it will raise the odd eyebrow or two amongst them! lol But then if we were all the same, what a boring world we would all find ourselves in. You will have to be sure to write about it on here.
That is at least something that from time to time you get to pick up some work from the others in the group.
As for that other artist, it must be very sad to find yourself not enjoying your painting, it might be one thing to work in an office and hate your job, but in a role where you need to be creative and have a passion for your work then that must have made it difficult for them. But as I said at the start of this, I guess it takes all sorts.
Pleased to hear that there is enough of you to go around, so it seems there is no need for me to worry!
I shall do my best to remain supportive, helpful and interesting, although being a man carrying all three of in one post might prove a tad difficult! lol
Fitzy - yes, it would be a boring world if we were all the same.
And it sounds like it will be arty and erotic, so there is every chance that I will write about it on my blog! :)
No, there is no need for you to worry, and although it may be multi-tasking for you, it seems like you've managed it so far!!!
Well I am all for arty and erotic and as for my perceived skills in multi-taking (thank you), it must have something to do with my choice in underwear! lol
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