I've also had an interesting conversation with a friend who loves my new fantasy willie (tarse) paintings, and also the fantasy fanny (queynte) ones and is contemplating having a joint tarse and queynte painting done in pale creams and pale siennas. I agree with her, that the image would be more hidden with such pale colours. I need a minimum of three tones to be able to to the paintings well, but they don't have to be strong tones like black and white, they can be gentle tones like pale cream, warm gold and dark gold. Or they could be the same tones but different colours, like pale pink, pale turquoise, and lemon yellow, or different tones of the same colour, like pale blue, royal blue, navy blue, or if you prefer hot colours rather than cold it could be scarlet, magenta and pale pink. or any permutation of colours at all really. I could make them all work as a painting, to fit a colour scheme for a room. My friend is going to talk to her fella and see what he thinks of the idea............................. I hope he wants it doing, I'd love to to i
And just to leave you with a painting before I go off to help set up the exhibition I'm part of this weekend, its this one.It will be at the exhibition and is called "Far far away". Its a watercolour of a planet, or our moon, with the distant universe behind......................... and I love the effect of it. The planet was painted with a brush but I wonder if you can guess the way the galaxy was painted, the way the stars lie in the sky. They weren't painted on, nor was masking fluid applied or splattered on, which is the usual way of creating light in a watercolour. I used .................... salt! But although I've seen salt effects before, its quite difficult to not let it look like salt was dumped on the wet paper. Its all in the wrist action you see !!!!! Either way, I love the painting, I love the effect of it, and hopefully someone else will too, and that too can go and hang on someone else's wall. But maybe not quite as far as Canada ........for this one! :)
Or it could be called a piece of Stilton in the sea? Not that I'm insulting your ability to paint Jackie. But at first glance I thought it was a piece of cheese, then as I focused again... I realised it wasn't :-)
That's really great to see where it's final reasting place is... on her bedroom wall.... well you wouldn't expect to find it in the dining room would you? Lol. I'm off to Canada next year for three weeks, maybe I'll call on her for a private viewing. Can't you see the sky diver in the picture Jackie?;-)
Indigo - Yes, it could be called a piece of stlton in the sea.... and it used to be said that it looked like the moon is made of cheese, so I'll count that as a sort of compliment!
Indigo - Yes, I can see the sky diver, I think its a nice thought!
That was a great story about the skydiver!
Any more news yet on whether you will get the chance to paint your first joint queynte and tarse? That would certainly be great, especially if you try to hide the two in the same painting! Lets just hope your friends fella likes he idea, if he doesn't tell him not to be so boring! lol
Fitzy - Yes, I thought so too. :)
No, I've not heard yet, she really likes the idea, but I think he might be a bit shocked at the concept at the moment!!! LOL Hopefully she can talk him round!
Fingers crossed she can talk him round then.
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