I've been working diligently on
Fitzys painting, and am delighted that the second working painting is progressing well now I've worked out more or less what I need to do.......! It helps!!!!!
LOL It still needs some more work doing on it but at least its going positively in the right direction!
I've not shown you a drawing for a while, and thought I'd show you my latest. I love these
white on black images and think this one works particularly well. I had decided that I'd draw my usual model in a wide brimmed hat, and she was still wearing her black bra whilst we were deciding on poses. I liked the basis of the pose but felt it needed a bit of something else, and with the addition of a long scarf, this was it!!!! I loved the pose the instant I saw it - lots of lovely strong diagonals, her face in shadow under the wide brim, her hands on her hips in a defiant pose, and lots of white flesh peeping out from under the clothing, with enough black clothing and shadows to add a lot of interest..................The picture works really well and I really do love it! As for the title, I felt that she was thinking about something with her head held down and her hands on her hips and that she had reached a decision regarding it, and this was what lead to the title - "Decision made" - as to whether the decision was to her choice of clothing at that moment in time, or a deeper and more profound problem, that's for you to decide................
And I think this picture is even more special considering I was injured whilst I drew it!!! I'd burnt my finger just before I was starting to draw and the best thing I was taught for a small burn is bicarbonate of soda held against the damaged skin. This isn't easy when its a finger on your drawing hand and your model has turned up ready for a drawing session! She watched
incredulously as I covered half a tissue in the bicarb of soda, wrapped it around my poorly digit and bandaged it up with plasters to keep the whole thing in place. I let her get away
with the hysterical laughing at my plight, since it wasn't a bad burn.
My fingers fine now, so the treatment worked! As did the picture. And as is
Fitzy's painting.
Yay, a hat trick! Yes, I know......................... a pun!!!!!!! :)
That is a gorgeous picture Jackie. I so love it..!! Your model has a lovely body, defined muscle tone, lovely slender arms too. The hat does add an air of mistery to the pose... Now what would she be thinking of I wonder?! Hmmm..!!
Indigo - Thankyou, I love it too! Yes, she has a lovely body, and the hat definitely adds an air of mystery to her, as for what she's thinking......I'm sure you can imagine its something wicked! LOL
" Oh yeah " it'd be something Wicked alright...!! My mind's in over drive ;-)
Indigo - Good! :)
That certainly is another gorgeous drawing, especially when you consider you were incapacitated at the time! I hope your finger is now feeling better and the bicarb helped.
Pleased to hear you are happy with the second version of my painting, so fingers crossed, or perhaps not!
What a beautiful strong, sexy woman! I love the drawing Jackie. I'm glad your finger is better! :)
Fitzy - Thankyou,my finger is a lot better now, just a little sore at the time.
Yes, I'm getting on well with your second working painting, and hope to show it to you soon!
Nitebyrd - Thankyou, I like the idea of her being strong. I think its the hands on the hips pose that makes it that!! :)
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